Sunday, September 4, 2022

Costumes and Poverty

I feel sorry for those Internet Users whose automatic reaction to articles and photos like this depicting the glamour of the Old World royalty and nobility is “bUt tHeRe weRe poOr peOple.” Can’t you just enjoy the beauty and art of the pictures? Yes, there were poor people in Tsarist Russia in 1903 who could not go to fancy costume balls, though the Imperial Family ceaselessly undertook charitable endeavours. So what? There were and are also poor people in the USA. Jesus said, “the poor you will always have with you.” Does that mean that there should be no art, no beauty, no glitter, no jewels, no symphony concerts or operas, no luxury anywhere? It’s not as of getting rid of the monarchy 14 years later ushered in a better era for the Russian people; rather the reverse. What about those who earned money designing and making the fancy costumes? The musicians who played in the court orchestra? Would it have been better for them to be destitute too? A world without things like glittering costume balls would be an uglier and sadder place. You could say, it’s just stupid Facebook comments, but the problem is this kind of attitude (which long predates Facebook) has had devastating consequences in the real world since 1789, resulting not in greater happiness or prosperity but in incalculable death and destruction.

That said, enjoy the pictures.

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