Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Separate the Crown?

For a long time I resisted this idea, and at heart I still believe in the shared Commonwealth Crown (after all I live in Texas and have no problem considering myself loyal to King Charles III, but I'm weird), but recent events have forced me to consider whether a monarch descended from the previous sovereigns but who actually lived in Ottawa might be able to serve Canadian loyalism better (with the same idea applied to Canberra and Wellington). Perhaps Princess Charlotte could take Canada (the senior Dominion), Prince Louis Australia, and one of Prince Edward's children New Zealand? The UK would probably want to keep one or two "spares" around though until such time as Prince George marries and has children.

I hate to say this but the Caribbean is probably a lost cause. Not sure about Papua New Guinea.

The problem is that I doubt there's enough support for this idea to be feasible, and there's no guarantee the young royals would be interested. While this is painful to me to admit, to a certain extent the monarchies of Canada, Australia, and New Zealand have survived on the lazy principle of "if it ain't broke don't fix it," and the "fix" that ideological monarchists want may not be the "fix" that everyone else wants.

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